Category: Relationships

June 24, 2018 nick No comments exist

It has been a little while since I have blogged, I apologise for this, but in recent times I have been very busy. I hope you enjoy this counselling blog. If it is interesting to you I would be very grateful if you would share with anyone else that might be interested.  I sit here…

July 8, 2017 nick No comments exist

I sit here alone as I write this, this piece is another of my attempts to put my own individual creative stamp on the world. Whilst writing this I am being distracted from the ultimate loneliness of my existence. Yes, I have a family, I have hundreds of friends on my facebook friends list, I…

February 18, 2017 nick No comments exist

This subject feels relevant particularly as cupid is about with his bow and arrow at Valentine’s Day but the question is what is love? I see different perceptions of what love is all the time. This got me thinking does everyone have a different version of what love is………..Their own version. I think it is…

May 14, 2016 nick No comments exist

I want to write today about the lack of positive male role models in the lives of today’s generation of young people. We live in a society where marriage is fading as a tradition, promiscuous-ness is fashionable amongst young people and we are encouraged to focus on our careers in the early years of adulthood not settling…

May 8, 2016 nick No comments exist

Today I would like to talk about Russell Brand, in my previous blog which can be viewed here I spoke about a lack of positive male role models in todays society. I feel that Russell Brand is somebody that should be taken into account here, now I know he is not every ones cup…