Category: Depression & Anxiety

March 18, 2017 nick No comments exist

The Statistics and what it is Depression will affect 1 in 3 of us within our lifetime and this blog will attempt to not only try and describe what some of its symptoms are but also try to offer tools to free ourselves from what can be a claustrophobically paralysing condition. This blog aims to…

November 19, 2016 nick No comments exist

Stress is a great thing, stress is what has kept us and our ancestors alive for generations and generations. Without stress we may not be here today, what has changed though is what we use it for. I intend to talk about stress in a way that does not involve intense biology in order to…

July 10, 2016 nick No comments exist

What is it to be vulnerable and male……… This is a topic that feels worth-while as we live in a society where we are all taught to have a stiff upper lip but even more so as a male. Growing up my role models were always strong and muscly He Man, Lion-o from Thundercats and…

May 30, 2016 nick No comments exist

  Todays blog is going to talk about something that some of you may not even know exists….. Some that have heard about it may even consider its existence as a bit fairy like and question whether it is real or not. My blog topic is Burn Out. I believe that burn out is something…

May 14, 2016 nick No comments exist

Here is a talk about shame by Monica Lewinsky. Shame is often disregarded as an emotion, perhaps out of our own attempt to block out shame. Our mainstream media is constantly aiming to shame, an example of this might be when a photographer takes a picture of a well known female person getting out of…