Data Protection and Confidentiality


At the point of referral your personal information has been gathered and will be stored on your Counsellors computer. This form will be kept securely in the counsellor’s home. When you end with your counsellor the information on your referral form will be kept on your counsellor’s computer so that you could re refer yourself. All other information will be deleted.

Your anonymity is safeguarded where ever possible.
There are exceptions to confidentiality. The counsellor may find it necessary to break confidentiality if it is felt that you or someone else could be at risk or when there is a legal obligation to do so. There is a legal requirement to break confidentiality if there is a disclosure of terrorism and or drug money laundering, data subject access requests or via court order for disclosure.
Counsellors may keep short process notes about the counselling sessions these will be kept securely until the end of your counselling sessions then destroyed.